The steps below are for students seeking to enroll in credit programs that lead to the completion of associate degrees, 证书, 以及职业学习证书. 如果学生想要获得劳动力证书,请访问 劳动力培训 & 认证 页面了解更多信息并申请.

完成并提交您的 应用程序, you are officially admitted to MECC and will receive a student ID number and username on your confirmation page. 请记下这些信息并使用它登录 MyMECC. 您将需要使用忘记密码链接设置您的密码 MyMECC 页面以成功登录您的帐户. 您还需要设置您的MFA. 请参阅 MFA指令 为了完成这个过程. 如果您需要帮助,请填写 技术助理表格.


(Note: See FAQs below for instructions on how to fill out the online 应用程序.)

提交申请后,请转至 步骤2 if you plan to 完整的 a degree or certificate; otherwise, go to 步骤4 如果你要修学分课程而不修课程.


For assistance enrolling in noncredit courses, please contact MECC’s 劳动力解决方案 at 276-523-9113 or 276-523-9114.


高中生 老年人
退伍军人,现役军人, & 家属 寄养青少年
国际学生 家庭学校学生


Individuals are eligible for admission to the community college if they are high school graduates or the equivalent, or if they are eighteen years of age or older and able to benefit academically from study at the community college, 正如阅读评估所证明的那样, 写作, 和数学. 最低分数如下表所示:

  VPT 指南针 Asset
阅读 ENF 1 62 35
写作 ENF 1 32 35
Math MTE 1 25 33

Exceptions to this policy may be made by the college president only for documented reasons. 学生 who do not meet the minimum score requirements are referred to the Dean of 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站.

MECC reserves the right to evaluate and document special cases and to refuse or revoke admission if the college determines that the applicant or student poses a threat, 是潜在的危险, 会对大学社区造成严重破坏吗, or if such refusal or revocation is considered to be in the best interest of a college. MECC also reserves the right to refuse admission for applicants that have been expelled or suspended from, 或者下定决心成为威胁, 潜在的危险或显著的破坏性, 另一个大学. 学生在入学后被撤销入学资格,必须推荐几个靠谱的买球网站予适当的程序.

It is the policy of the VCCS and MECC to maintain and promote equal employment and educational opportunities without regard to race, color, 性别或年龄(除非性别或年龄是一项真正的职业资格), 宗教, 障碍, 国家的起源, 或者其他非优点因素. Inquiries concerning the Affirmative Action Policy should be addressed to the College’s Affirmative Action Officer, 他的办公室在霍尔顿大厅,打276可以找到他.523.7478.



  • A 完整的d official 应用程序 for admission with social security number requested.
  • 除非学院另有规定, 所有高中的正式成绩单, 大学, 上过大学. Graduates who 完整的 secondary school in a home school setting must provide a graduation date and may be required to provide documentation of coursework. The VCCS Student 信息 System academic records will be sufficient for 大学 within the Virginia Community College System.
  • Additional information as stated by the college for admission to specific programs or curricula.

适用于所有非课程学生, a 完整的d official 应用程序 for admission is required with social security number requested.

  • VCCS在线入学申请.
  • Click 新用户,完成所要求的信息并单击 提交.
  • If you are returning to the Application for Admission after having saved it (but not made your final submission to the college) – 点击 返回用户 并输入您的临时登录名和密码. Click 审查 返回到正在进行的应用程序.
  • 一旦你提交了最终的入学申请, 您将无法进行任何更改. If corrections are necessary on the information you provided, you must contact the 注册服务办公室 at 276.523.2400.

Note: 如果您在使用在线应用程序时收到错误, 请更新您的浏览器或使用Internet Explorer.

  1. 收集所有适用文件, 包括社保卡, 军事论文, 在开始之前要有驾照.
  2. 强烈建议提供您的社会安全号码. If not given, access to many college services, including financial aid, will be limited. 申请经济援助时需要提供社会保险号码.
  3. 仔细阅读每个问题. 点击“?,以获取填写文本框的说明.
  4. 完成每个部分.
  5. 使用左侧栏菜单查看每个步骤的状态. 绿色高亮的数字表示您完成了该部分.
  6. 单击 Save & 继续 按钮将保存该部分中的信息.
  7. 您将无法保存包含错误的部分. 在尝试移动到新区域之前,请纠正所有错误.


a. Name
输入你的电流, 完整的 法律名称. 申请多所大学时,使用相同的格式填写你的名字.

b. 前的名字

c. 职业生涯
选择 信贷 career when planning to enroll in classes for which you will receive college credit. 选择 CNED career (Continuing Education/Workforce Development) when planning to enroll in classes identified as Noncredit or Continuing Education/Workforce Development for which you will be earning continuing education units or no college credit.

d. Term


a. 邮寄地址

在第一行输入街道号码和名称. 在第二行输入公寓号码. 不要同时添加街道地址和P.O. 箱子的信息.


a. 种族:

b. 性别

c. 公民身份
选择一个U.S. 国籍.



  1. 点击 编辑高中.
  2. 选择合适的高中水平. 如果你在美国读过或正在读高中.S. ——点击 Select 输入学校名称或按名称或州搜索您的高中. 如果你的高中不在名单上, 勾选“我的高中没有出现在上面的列表中”.”
  3. Enter your graduation date or anticipated graduation date (MM/YYYY) even if your high school did not appear in the list. 如果您不知道您获得的文凭类型,请选择 标准.
  4. If you are a home schooled student – You will select either Virginia or Out-of-State 然后输入你的毕业日期或预期毕业日期.
  5. If you earned a GED – You will select either Virginia or Out-of-State and enter the date you received your GED – Award Date with Month and Year.
  6. 如果你上的是美国以外的高中.S. ——选择 外国高中 然后输入你的毕业日期或预期毕业日期.

注:美国以外的国防部附属学校(DoDDS).S. 在此申请中是否被认为是外国高中.


如果你上过大学-点击 添加一所大学 输入大学数据. 将提供一个搜索框,供您按州和名称查找您的大学. Click 添加一所大学 并回顾信息. 您可以编辑或删除条目. 您最多可以通过点击添加5所大学 添加一所大学.

如果你在国外上大学. 点击 the Search Box and check the box for “I attended college outside the U.S.输入你的出勤日期和获得的学位.



您必须从下拉框中选择一个选项. This information is collected for statistical purposes only and has no bearing on your admission process.


a. 你目前的目标是什么?

If you want to pursue a degree, certificate or diploma ——选择 a plan from the drop down box. 如果你目前在高中或家庭学校, 你不能在这个时候选择一个攻读学位的计划. 选择“我现在不打算攻读学位”选项。.

If you do not intend to pursue a degree, certificate or diploma ——选择 a reason for taking classes. 如果你目前在高中或家庭学校, 对于双重注册,您必须选择以下选项之一:041, 042, 043或04A.

b. 学位和证书的类型

AA = Associate in Arts Degree; AAA = Associate in Applied Arts Degree; AAS = Associate in Applied Science Degree; AS = Associate in Science Degree; CERT = Certificate; CSC = 职业生涯 Studies Certificate



This takes you to the domicile questionnaire which will determine if you qualify for in-state or out-of-state tuition. All Virginia residents and non-residents must 完整的 the In-State Tuition Questionnaire.

  1. In-State Tuition Questionnaire (sample) – Answer all questions that are presented to you.

b. 当你完成问卷时, 您将收到您所提供的问题和答案的摘要.

c. Confirm your answers and then select one of the following options: 继续 your 应用程序, 重新开始问卷调查或丢弃您的问卷.

d. Select 继续申请 进入最后的提交程序.

e. Select 提交的应用程序 -此提交过程将需要几分钟. 不要多次点击提交申请. 当流程完成时, you will receive confirmation that your 应用程序 has been 提交ted successfully with the college and term information. Click 继续 每页上有以下信息:

  • 您的官方学生信息SIS ID
  • 你的用户名和密码
  • 你的学费信息-州内或州外分类
  • Special Notices – Additional documentation or information that may be required to 完整的 your admission process.
  • 学术信息-你指定的学习计划.
  • Application Summary – Print the 应用程序 summary page so you have a record of all information associated with your 应用程序 process.

如果收到错误消息, 很可能你之前已经申请过MECC或其他VCCS学院. 请与 MECC招生办公室 at 276.523.2400查看更多信息.